Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sound City Movie Review

There has been a lot of talk about Dave Grohl's Sound City Documentary. Some talk has been good some has been bad, but it sure is a fun movie in general. It is a long told tale of boy joins band, boy goes to an old studio, studio recording changes life, boy buys old studio's console, boy tells you how Pro Tools has ruined the music industry, and life goes on.

The movie tells this story, which is not the complete story of Sound City Studio, but it has some excellent footage with some great older musicians and some real fun jamming scenes with the Foo Fighters and others. It is definitely worth a watch if you are into audio recording or music.

But, the story is one that left me wanting something different. The movie perpetuated the lie that is as old as digital technology-- Digital ruined big studios and music. While that is not true it is what many people believe. Analog is a fantastic medium, one I love, but digital has expanded our audio possibilities. They could have extolled the virtues of analog in the movie without bashing the digital medium and perpetuating the lie. Other than that, fun to watch.

Overall out of 5 stars I give it a 3.5.  Worth watching.