You may ask yourself why I bring this up. Well I have been thinking about the large amounts of money I have spent on recording equipment over the last 22 years. Some bought and sold because of a specific need at the time, or just purchased due to pure lust. Most of the gear I have purchased over the years has been bought and sold, turned over for new gear etc.. Very little has stayed because of the highs and lows of economy, "gearlust" for something else, or a piece of gear ended up being a bad overall purchase. I spent the early years of my career with this "gearlust".
Now I realize that more so than the gear it is the song, the musician, and the creativity that truly matters. I have spent many hours on recording message boards only to see the same things being said constantly, which is "what gear should I buy?" Now, like I said, a certain amount of gear is important. But just because you have a few bucks does not mean you need to run out and spend it on the latest widget. With those bucks many other things can be done rather than buying the latest greatest thing on the market. You could:
- Advertise
- Save the money for a rainy day
- Take a break to refresh
- Make your significant other happy by upgrading your living quarters
- Invest the money in a 401k or something for retirement.
- And much more.
With my Mastering Studio my equipment has played into getting clients, but that is still only occasionally. Most of the time it is from another album I mastered, word of mouth, advertising, and also sheer luck.
So to conclude this lengthy post, I say go out and find the best songs to record and make what you have work for you. As Bruce Swedien says "No one leaves the studio dancing to the gear".
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